A Look Within
Ricker Dynamics is a culmination of 50+ years of not being afraid to try new things, the passion to serve others, and the desire to learn from those that have gone before us. Often asking “What are we really trying to accomplish?” and “Is there a better way?” we can help you to look at struggles as opportunities and opportunities as successes.
About Me
After 20 years in the corporate world (telecom industry in software development and test), I realized there was more to life than chasing a title and a big paycheck. What started as volunteering at a mobile soup kitchen in Dallas, led to a passion of using my creativity and love of people to help others. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t wake up one morning and decide to sell everything and live in poverty so I could help the homeless. It just happened that way (yes, including living at the poverty level). But despite going from a six figure income to making $12,000 that first year I decided to accept the job as Development Director, I was never happier.
In the past 10+ years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to work with some great leaders, not only in the nonprofit industry, but also in philanthropy, local government, PR and the media. I’ve also learned from some not so great leaders, but I have to thank them for not only showing me the errors in their ways, but also helping me to solidify those things that are important to me. I am a very loyal person and looking back now I see there were times that that loyalty may have caused me to neglect my own sense of integrity. But I’ve learned from that as well.
I believe that life, business and even the development and growth of nonprofits is all about relationships. Whether with grant writing, volunteer coordination or donor cultivation, a focus on people and their needs is what will build better, more supportive relationships. This same principle applies to the clients you are serving.
Years ago I put the tag line, “The best way to be blessed is to be a blessing.” at the end of my email signature, and that daily reminder (actually each time I send an email) has sculpted my vision and my future. Let’s talk about how we can be blessings, together.
At this point in my life and career, rather than be an employee of a single nonprofit, I am enjoying helping many small to mid-sized organizations to realize their dreams. The majority are nonprofits, but I occasionally find myself working with small business owners. Whether it be nonprofit or for-profit, I find that the founders are usually really good at the focus of their passion (feeding the homeless, rescuing dogs, promoting their goods and services, etc), but may lack some skills and often enthusiasm about areas like business development and fundraising. Learning about their passion and impetus for spending every waking hour serving others, I enjoy bringing additional perspective and experience to assist them in fund development.
I am purposeful in my promotion of “fund development” versus “fundraising”. According to Ron Strand of Mount Royal College, “Fund development is the process by which organizations use fundraising to build capacity and sustainability. Fund development is a part of the strategic marketing of a nonprofit organization. It is concerned not only with raising money, but doing so in a way that develops reliable sources of income that will sustain the organization through the realization of its long term mission and vision. Fund development usually involves building relationships with people and other organizations that will support the charity.”
When it comes to building and maintaining relationships, I’m very passionate and creative. Once you've shared your vision and excitement for your mission, I'm "all in" with regards to helping you achieve your goals. Together, we will find and cultivate support and partnerships for a sustaining fund development program.
One Example
For 5 years I was blessed to run the SoupMobile’s annual Celebrate Jesus Christmas Gala for the homeless. In addition to managing the event for our guests, I also dealt with volunteer coordination and made sure that everyone was aware of what we were doing, and why. I gained a lot of experience sharing our story, with individuals, groups and the media.
By publicizing the work your organization does, people are already aware of who you are when its time to solicit support. Phones are answered and doors are opened more readily when you don’t have to introduce yourself and your mission. It all goes back to relationships. Its much easier to ask a friend for help, than it is to ask a stranger. I can help you make lots of friends, so if you are ever in a time of need, you have resources to help.
Communication is also about letting your supporters know how they are making an impact. By giving them something to be able to point to and say “I helped”, you are doing them as much of a service as those you serve. This is also an opportunity to show others how they too can be involved in your efforts to serve others. Fundraising 101 – “Acknowledge and thank your donors.”
These are just some examples of how I can help raise awareness, build relationships and fundraising for your cause.
There are many other aspects to fund development, including donor recognition, website and social media presence, fundraising events, foundation support and grant writing. If you are interested in working together, lets sit down and visit and determine what you need and whether or not I’m the best person to help. It may be that what you really need is a connection to someone I know, and I’m happy to help with that as well.
“The best way to be blessed, is to be a blessing.”
Thanks and God bless,